Friday, January 31, 2020

Roles and Desires of Men in the olden times based on the Story Faust Essay Example for Free

Roles and Desires of Men in the olden times based on the Story Faust Essay In the lives of men and women, different thoughts and desires have come to their minds. Various types of needs and aspirations are known to have been in the back of their minds. With this thought, most of these men and women tend to aspire things which sometimes translated into dreaming. In the psychoanalyst’s point of view, dreaming is something that is from our unconscious. The thoughts which different individuals had which had been pushed in the back of their minds show while we are in deep slumber. In the book scene The Witch’s Kitchen is able to analyze the theory made by Sigmund Freud relating to the story written by the Goethe â€Å"Faust†. The story of â€Å"Faust† is a German Folk Tale in which many different authors had created their own version in order to relate to their time. Through all the available versions, Freud utilized the Goethe’s version in order to explain his theory of â€Å"Outline of Psychoanalysis† (Prokhoris Foreword). Sabine contradicts most of the theory made by Freud and explains that the literary work of Goethe is just a material in which the psychoanalyst utilized in order to make his theory evident. But still, Sabine explained in the whole book that the theory is unlikely to be related to the written work of Goethe. It is stated that the different actions of characters where only a translated or related as such due to the desire of Freud to explain his thoughts and justify his claim. However, in this paper, the analysis of the scene in The Witch Kitchen would not be close to psychoanalysis instead, it would focus on the regular lives of individuals. The analysis in this paper desires to relate the scenes which had made in the earlier period to the current state of mind of various individuals as well as the existing values and lifestyles of people. In this scene, the drama for the first time enters a feminine sphere after dwelling almost exclusively in all-male realms. Also, for the first time Faust experiences a domestic space, a kitchen. How does he react to it? What is the significance of this particular setting? It is known that a kitchen is normally known as a space for women in order to create a dish for the different individuals and their families. In some context, the kitchen is a place where in women devoted their time for the reason that they need to provide food to suppress the feeling of hunger which could result to pain or anger. It is stated in different parts in which directly states that the devil cannot create anything. Although the devil has the power to do different actions which are not naturally for any being, the devil cannot do anything for him or her to generate something. The devil still needs someone that could create something for him. At first Faust did not think that he would be lead into the kitchen of all the available places in the house. As said earlier, a kitchen is a feminine placed which is only designated for a woman. It is obvious that Faust was deeply wondering whether or not he is in the right place and what other possible actions could the devil be asking him now. In my own analysis he felt uncomfortable which then leads to not knowing what to do. But then, the devil was able to explain the different action which he needed to accomplish. Faust is not even close to the thought of having â€Å"girly† materials therefore he disgusts the thought and look of â€Å"dainty† materials around him. Like a typical man, having â€Å"girly† materials and thoughts is something very far from what he needs and wants. However in my own point of view, there is too much hatred which he felt for the â€Å"girly† materials around him. It could be assumed that he is truly angry with girls or he just simply hates dainty materials. In the current times, such materials are not truly hated by men. Although they do not use such material for themselves, there is no sign in which men acts violent when asked about something close to such. Faust’s hatred in my own reflection might be a sign that there is he had a history which such materials or with girls. In the other hand, it could also be assumed that he had frustrations if he sees such kinds of materials. In a feminist view point, the hatred of Faust could be immediately interpreted that he hates how women are—their attitude their characteristic and their desires. It is known that most women likes such things and most men want to give dainty and adorable things for women to make them happy. It is either he does not want to satisfy women in such sense or he just plainly despises such things for the reason that he is a man who has strong desire of â€Å"manly† things for himself. Like most men, he is someone who was acting tough without any acts of weakness. In the current times, if men desires to have dainty things and are fond or them, it means that he is a homosexual therefore, it could be directly stated that Faust is not homosexual. What is the significance of the image that appears to Faust in the magic mirror on the Witch’s wall? Are there other instances of mirroring in this scene In the first scene in which he entered the Kitchen and was asked if he wanted dainty materials he immediately despised everything and even cursed it. But then, in the scene where a mirror was laid in front of him, it is interesting that he saw a woman standing in front of the mirror. It is puzzling that he despised â€Å"girly† things while when he faced the mirror, he was not able to see himself but a woman who was beautiful which he adores. With such interesting scene there are many assumptions and reflections which could be made. First, it could be assumed that the reflection in the mirror reflects him self. It could be that he wanted to be a woman which could be connected to the happiness which he felt while looking at the mirror adoring the image in front of him. Having someone in front of him who he desires to be is something that homosexuals would be happy about. If this assumption is correct, Faust desires to be a woman and the hatred that he felt about dainty things is something that he was acting for the devil to not think otherwise. During the times where in the image of a beautiful woman was reflected there is a big part of him where he found happiness because in some ways he had become something that he was yearning for in such a long time. In another context, if he is heterosexual it could be easily said that he wants to be with a female. In the context that the story is within an all male realm, the yearning of Faust was awaken. Seeing a beautiful woman made him realize that he wants to be with her and wishes a person close to someone like the image in the mirror. In other conclusion, it could be stated that the image in the mirror is a person which he desires to be with him. It is the mirror who presented what he wanted therefore he became thrilled when he saw the woman. In my own interpretation, the woman he saw was someone who has a very beautiful face, angelic and kind. It could be said that she was the one he wanted for him self to be his partner or his wife in the future. The delight in which was expressed by Faust had been something that was very exquisite. It almost felt like she was what he was waiting for his whole life and that she was someone whom he would do anything for. In the current times, men do not see women in mirrors like Faust have experienced. They are seen everyday like other normal people. Genders are mixed and they are mingling with one another unlike in the story which they were all men in the story. Compared to the value Faust gave when he expressed his happiness while seeing the image, men are not anything close to such kind of value now a days. In the past, men are not as able or they could not easily get a woman which just a few actions. There is a process in which they follow in order to achieve the love and attention of women. Wooing is something that is not practiced now. Individuals just get together when they realize that they have something in common or they like each other. Although women are said to be someone who are special and is worth all the love and affection, some men do express that they do this in order to get what they want. Most of the time, men only uses some strategy to get what they want and need while on the other hand women become used and helpless. In some point, I reflected that situation that: what if there are no women just mirrors to see who and what we want? Would anyone be happy or satisfied? Would men be the men they are now? —most probably not. But then I ask myself, why did Faust look at the image was happily, as lovingly as he was? It puzzles me because none of the lines stated that he was homosexual or something that just wanted to have a family life. But then, I still believe that the imagery that he saw was something he wanted for himself that if he maybe able to have it he will surely be satisfied unlike the other things which are presented to him like the dainty things as well as the images which were focused on the story. In conclusion, the story of Goethe is something that is puzzling and intriguing due to the different contexts that it has. There were issues of gender and desires which could only be explained by the writer himself. However, such could not happen anymore. The theories and the real ideas of this story is left to its readers to assume and hypothesize the thoughts in which are made in the story.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Children Coping With Stress :: essays research papers

CHILDREN COPING WITH STRESS While some stress is normal and even healthy, children today seem to encounter many stressful life events at earlier ages. Stress shows itself in children by complaints about stomachaches, being nervous, trouble sleeping, anger flares, and infections. There are a variety of reasons for children to feel stress. Death, divorce, remarriage, moving, long illness, abuse, family or community violence, natural disaster, fear of failure, and cultural conflict may each heighten stress. Under stress, the heart rate and breathing are at a higher speed and muscles are tense. Multiple stressors worsen the stress level and the length of the stress. Our bodies need relief from stress to reestablish balance. Reactions to stress vary with the child’s stage of development, ability to cope, the length of time the stressor continues, intensity of the stressor, and the degree of support from family, friends, and community. The two most frequent indicators that children are stressed are change in behaviors and regression of behaviors. Children under stress change their behavior and react by doing things that are not in keeping with their usual style. Behaviors seen in earlier phases of development, such as thumb sucking and regression in toileting, may reappear. Typically, preschoolers lack self-control, have no sense of time, act independently, are curious, may wet the bed, have changes in eating habits, have difficulty with sleep or speech, and cannot tell adults how they are feeling. Preschoolers under stress each react differently. Some behaviors may include irritability, anxiety, uncontrollable crying, trembling with fright, eating or sleep problems. Toddlers may regress to infant behaviors, feel angry and not understand their feelings, fear being alone or without their parent, withdraw, bite, or be sensitive to sudden or loud noises. Feelings of sadness or anger may build inside of them. They may become aggressive or angry, have nightmares, or be accident prone. Just as children’s reactions are each different, so are their coping strategies. Children can cope through tears or tantrums or by retreating from unpleasant situations.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Production Supervisor

KRA (Key Responsibility Area/Key Results Area): â€Å"Key Result Areas† or KRAs refer to general areas of outcomes or outputs for which the department’s role is responsible. A typical role targets three to five KRA. Value of KRAs: Identifying KRAs helps individuals:  · Clarify their roles  · Align their roles to the organisation’s business or strategic plan  · Focus on results rather than activities  · Communicate their role’s purposes to others  · Set goals and objectives  · Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management  · Make value-added decisions Description of KRAs:Key result areas (KRAs) capture about 80% of the department’s work role. The remainder of the role is usually devoted to areas of shared responsibility (e. g. , helping team members, participating in activities for the good of the organisation). CORE KRAs of HR DEPARTMENT: -RECRUITMENT/ SELECTION -WORKFORCE PLANNING/ -DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT -PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT -REWARD MANAGEMENT -WORKPLACE MANAGEMENT -INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS -SAFETY AND HEALTH WORKPLACE -BUILDING CAPABILITIES AND ORGANIZATION LEARNING -EFFECTIVE HR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS , SUPPORT AND MONITORING KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS:These are the areas within the HR DEPARTMENT, where an individual or group, is logically responsible / accountable for the results. To manage each KRA/ KPAs, a set of KPI are set . KRA and hence KPI is attributed to the department which can have effect on the business results and is self measured where applicable. THE IMPORTANCE AND WEIGHTAGE OF THESE ELEMENTS KRAs/KPAs/KPIs ARE GUIDED BY THE *VISION STATEMENT *MISSION STATEMENT *CORPORATE OBJECTIVES *CORPORATE STRATEGY *CORPORATE BUSINESS UNITS/ DEPARTMENTAL PLANS/STRATEGY. FOR THE BUDGET PERIOD, THIS IS USUALLY 12 MONTHS.What Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They will differ depending on the organization. A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers. A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students. A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KPIs, percentage of customer calls answered in the first minute.A Key Performance Indicator for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the year. Whatever Key Performance Indicators are selected, they must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success,and they must be quantifiable (measurable). Key Performance Indicators usually are long-term considerations. The definition of what they are and how they are measured do not change often. The goals for a particular Key Performance Indicator may change as the organization's goals change, or as it gets closer to achieving a goal.Key Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational Goals: An organization that has as one of its goals â€Å"to be the most profitable company in our industry† will have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit and related fiscal measures. â€Å"Pre-tax Profit† and â€Å"Shareholder Equity† will be among them. However, â€Å"Percent of Profit Contributed to Community Causes† probably will not be one of its Key Performance Indicators. On the other hand, a school is not concerned with making a profit, so its Key Performance Indicators will be different.KPIs like â€Å"Graduation Rate† and â€Å"Success in Finding Employment after Graduation†, though different, accurately reflect the schools mission and goals. Key Performance Indicators Must Be Quantifiable: If a Key Performance Indicator is going to be of any value, there must be a way to accurately define and measure it. â€Å"Generate More Repeat Customers† is useless as a KPI without some way to distinguish between new and repeat customers. â€Å"Be The Most Popular Company† won't work as a KPI because there is no way to measure the company's popularity or compare it to others.It is also important to define the Key Performance Indicators and stay with the same definition from year to year. For a KPI of â€Å"Increase Sales†, you need to address considerations like whether to measure by units sold or by dollar value of sales. Will returns be deducted from sales in the month of the sale or the month of the return? Will sales be recorded for the KPI at list price or at the actual sales price? You also need to set targets for each Key Performance Indicator. A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of â€Å"Turnover Rate†. After he Key Performance Indicator has been defined as â€Å"the number of voluntary resignations and terminations for performance, divided by the total number of employees at the beginning of the period† and a way to measure it has been set up by collecting the information in an HRIS, the target has to be established. â€Å"Reduce turnover by five percent per year† is a clear target that everyone will understand and be able to take specific action to accomplish. Key Performance Indicators Must be Key To Organizational Success: Many things are measurable. That does not make them key to the organization's success.In selecting Key Performance Indicators, it is critical to limit them to those factors that are essential to the organization reaching its goals. It is also important to keep the number of Key Performance Indicators small just to keep everyone's attention focused on achieving the same KPIs. That is not to say, for instance, that a company will have only three or four total KPIs in total. Rather there will be three or four Key Performance Indicators for the company and all the units within it will have three, four, or five KPIs that support the overall company goals and can be â€Å"rolled up† into them.If a company Key Performance Indicator is â€Å"Increased Customer Satisfaction†, that KPI will be focused differently in different departments. The Manufacturing Department may have a KPI of â€Å"Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection†, while the Sales Department has a KPI of â€Å"Minutes a Customer Is on Hold before a Sales Rep Answers†. Success by the Sales and Manufacturing Departments in meeting their respective departmental Key Performance Indicators will help the company meet its overall KPI.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Conformity Is The Most Popular Form Of Conformity - 909 Words

As Dr. Seuss once said, â€Å"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don t matter and those who matter don t mind.† Through this quote, the foundation of conformity is uprooted from its murky hovel and is disputed with. Despite, though, how many people preach these words, they still succumb to the mind numbing effects without even realizing it, because they are not fully aware of the causes of this topic. That is why one needs to understand the causes of conformity before preventing the effects. The three causes of conformity include: changing how one acts to avoid the rejection of their peers, depending on other people s’ opinions because they are oblivious to a certain topic, and conforming to something based on social characteristics. Changing how one acts to fit in better with a group, or normative conformity, is the most popular form of conformity in the world today. According to Philip G. Zimbardo, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford Univer sity: â€Å"Normative Conformity, is when we are concerned about making a good impression in front of a group. Though we may disagree secretly with the group opinion, we may verbally adopt the group stance so that we seem like a team player rather than a deviant.† When a child (for this purpose he or she will be called the ‘green child’) is excluded from the play two other children, the green child blames his/ her exclusion based on something they did or who they are as a person. The green child is then tempted toShow MoreRelatedTranscendentalism : An Idealistic Philosophical And Social Movement1120 Words   |  5 Pagesconcepts, such as simplicity, societal conformity, and self-reliance. Simplicity, according to the dictionary is â€Å"the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do, with such synonyms like: clarity, clearness, plainness, and simpleness. It is one of the most basic ideals of transcendentalism. 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